450 MWe combined-cycle turbine upgrade: Meggitt VM600 MK II
Customer problems
As part of the ten-year service on the GAS Turbine – Alternator – Steam Turbine shaft line, the customer opted to replace the entire vibration measurement chain (transducer, extension and conditioner) in order to secure operation for the next 10 years. NCG replaced, calibrated and tested the entire new vibration protection system.
Objectives :
- Improve safety
- Increase reliability
- Increase availability
- Deal with obsolescence
- Increase maintainability
- Better monitoring of operation

In total :
– 18 complete measurement chains were replaced (transducers – conditioners)
– 2 Meggitt vibration racks replaced (MK1 generation replaced by MK2 generation)
– Validation of configuration and wiring by signal simulation tests.
Turbine safety and availability were increased, and the obsolescence problem was solved.